
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

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HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Medical] Shonan ER

Web creation record

"Handling large and small objects of different shapes at a fixed angle. Is it the science underlying the philosophy or treatment? That rationality leads to effective treatment." Considering the context of an emergency medical center, we designed this project while pursuing such textures. For the "A Day in the Life of a Resident Doctor" page, we proposed content that helps potential trainees clearly understand and feel the experience. We created a page that allows for skimming while still being impactful. By utilizing DOE's free photography service, we conveyed the realism of the emergency medical field more effectively. Additionally, we implemented a CMS to enable clients to post updates and blog entries by themselves.

Delivery date October 27, 2016
Device compatibility [Responsive design] Compatible with PC, tablet, and smartphone
Page volume Standard pages: 12 pages
Forms: 2 forms
Photography Included
CMS Partially implemented
[Shonan ER] Homepage
[Shonan ER] Features of Shonan ER
[Shonan ER] A Day in the Life of a Resident Page

We designed the site using responsive design to ensure that each content displays appropriately when accessed via tablets or mobile devices. The header, which contains the main menu and application buttons, is fixed to maintain navigation even while scrolling. The site is also optimized for Retina displays, providing high-quality images.

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