
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

Past work Past work

HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Medical Device Manufacturer] Toitu

Web creation record

We had the pleasure of handling the website development for Toitu, a medical device manufacturer. In this project, the two key requirements were enabling internal staff to manage updates and achieving a high-level design. To meet these needs, we proposed the KOTETSU BA plan offering the option of creating a custom-made homepage.

Throughout the project, we engaged in frequent discussions with the Toitu team, paying close attention to every detail to deliver a complete and polished website.

The atmosphere at Toitu is bright, and every staff member we interacted with was incredibly professional and courteous. I personally became a big fan of Toitu.

We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to work with such a wonderful team at Toitu through this project. We wholeheartedly support their future endeavors and wish them continued success!

The plan for this project

Delivery date May 1, 2024
Device compatibility [Responsive Design] PC, Tablet, Smartphone
Page volume Standard Pages: 120 pages (Partnership)
Photography Included
CMS Almost fully implemented
[Toitu / Medical Device Manufacturer Site] Homepage|Mobile View
[Toitu / Medical Device Manufacturer Site] Perinatal Management System Page|Mobile View
[Toitu / Medical Device Manufacturer Site] Manufacturing and Repair Page|Mobile View
[Toitu / Medical Device Manufacturer Website] English Homepage|Mobile View

The KOTETSU B/A Plan comes with standard design optimization for smartphones, tablets, and PC monitors. It ensures a smooth and comfortable browsing experience for users, regardless of the device they access the site from.

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