
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

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HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Building management and interior work] SAMURAI

Web creation record

This is a website development portfolio piece for SAMURAI, a building management company in Yokohama.
During our initial consultation, we introduced the KOTETSU plan. Of course, we also demonstrated how to use the CMS (Content Management System), which they found satisfactory.
The KOTETSU template comfortably accommodates SAMURAI's wide range of services and support menus.

The plan for this project

Delivery date March 16, 2022
Device compatibility [Responsive design] Compatible with PC, tablet, and smartphone
Page volume Regular pages: 13 pages
Forms: 2 forms
Photography None
CMS Almost fully implemented
[SAMURAI / Building management and interior work website] Homepage
[SAMURAI / Building management and interior work website] Regular cleaning and patrol cleaning page

Indeed, the KOTETSU plan leaves no stone unturned. It would be too painful to have only PC compatibility in this day and age. KOTETSU is designed to optimize its layout according to various monitor sizes, including smartphones and tablets.
By the way, the name KOTETSU comes from Kotetsu, the famous sword owned by Kondo Isami of the Shinsengumi. We're glad SAMURAI chose this plan.

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