
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

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HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Financial Management] Financial Management Support

Web creation record

Once again, the "KOTETSU" plan was selected. The deciding factors were the impeccable design, the built-in CMS (Content Management System), and the affordable production cost! Additionally, we also handled the photography!

Among the many features, the CMS stands out, allowing you to make adjustments to your service offerings and content by yourself, eliminating the need for external outsourcing costs when making updates.

The plan for this project

Delivery date December 27, 2021
Device compatibility [Responsive design] Supports PC, tablet, and smartphone
Page volume Regular pages: 14 pages
Forms: 1
Photography Included
CMS Almost fully implemented
[Financial Management Support / Financial management website] Homepage|Mobile View
[Financial Management Support / Financial management website] Business startup support page|Mobile View

The "KOTETSU" plan is built to support multiple devices, including smartphones and tablets. Particularly for smartphones, we’ve added fixed menus at the top and bottom that stay in place even when scrolling, enhancing accessibility.

For This Project

Financial Management Support
This is a very trustworthy company. They answered all of our questions thoroughly, and we felt a genuine human touch when communicating with them. I definitely want to stay connected in the future. Their responses were quick, detailed, and always clear, leaving no room for dissatisfaction. Thank you very much!

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