
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

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HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Land and House Surveyor] Tochi Plus

Web creation record

This time, we developed a website for Tochi Plus, located just a 15-minute walk from our office. The plan they chose is the highly popular KOTETSU plan! KOTETSU offers an affordable production cost, and since it comes with a built-in CMS (Content Management System), clients can edit and manage their own site. This means there are no additional outsourcing costs. Of course, it’s fully responsive for smartphones too.

The plan for this project

Delivery date September 21, 2021
Device compatibility [Responsive design] Supports PC, tablet, and smartphone
Page volume Regular pages: 16 pages
Forms: 1
Photography Included
CMS Almost fully implemented
[Tochi Plus / Land and House Surveyor Website] Homepage|Mobile View
[Tochi Plus / Land and House Surveyor Website] Office Overview Page|Mobile View
[Tochi Plus / Land and House Surveyor Website] Recruitment Information Page|Mobile View

Whether it's a smartphone, tablet, small PC monitor, or large PC monitor, the layout adjusts accordingly to ensure optimal display across all devices.

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