
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

Past work Past work

HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Study in Japan School] Yokohama International Education Institute

Web creation record

This project involved the renewal of a website for a Japanese study school. The key factors were highlighting where and what students will learn. We focused on effectively expressing both "Yokohama" and the "educational environment" through the design.

Delivery date September 28, 2018
Device compatibility [Responsive Design] PC, Tablet, Smartphone Support
Page volume Regular pages: 120 pages
Forms: 8
Photography Included
CMS Almost fully implemented
Multilingual support Japanese, English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
[Yokohama International Education Institute] Homepage
[Yokohama International Education] School Features Page
[Yokohama International Education] Career Support Page
[Yokohama International Education] Comprehensive Japanese Page

The site was developed with responsive coding, ensuring that the design adapts based on the browser's width. It provides an optimal display across smartphones, tablets, and monitors of various sizes.

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