
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

Past work Past work

HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Contact Lenses and Lens Care Products Sales (LP)] Aime

Web creation record

This design was created with the themes of "moisture" and "a refreshing morning" in mind. When you click the header navigation, which is fixed at the top of the page, it smoothly scrolls to each section's heading. We adopted a responsive design that adjusts to the optimal layout based on the width of each device.

Delivery date June 27, 2017
Device compatibility [Responsive design] Compatible with PC, tablet, and smartphone
Page volume Landing page (1 page)
Photography None
CMS None
[Aime] Landing Page|Mobile View

The site is built with responsive design, ensuring that it displays optimally on smartphones and tablets. It also supports Retina displays, allowing for high-quality images to be viewed.

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