
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

Past work Past work

HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Care Service] Welgarden

Web creation record

To ensure users can easily navigate the site, we used different colors for each service, creating a colorful yet cohesive design. The site integrates Google Calendar, allowing users to view and manage reservation availability directly on the page. The facility photos were taken using DOE’s free photography service, showcasing the unique features and services of each location. Additionally, a CMS was implemented so that clients can easily update the "Latest News" section and share important information.

Delivery date May 31, 2016
Device compatibility [Responsive Design] PC, Tablet, Smartphone Support
Page volume Regular pages: 82 pages
Forms: 3
Photography Included
CMS Partially integrated
[Welgarden] Homepage
[Welgarden] Facility Guide Page
[Welgarden] Facility Page
[Welgarden] Facility Information & Fees Page
[Welgarden] General Day Service Page

We implemented responsive web design to ensure the site is accessible on smartphones and tablets, providing an optimized viewing experience across all devices. The mobile menu is structured with two tiers: "Facility Menu" and "Corporate Menu," making it easy for users to navigate within the facility-specific pages.

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