
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

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HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Fitness Club] Anatomy Stretch

Web creation record

Anticipating that a single color scheme or monotonous layout might make the page feel drawn out due to the high volume of content per page, we assigned different colors to each content section within a page. This creates a sense of "freshness" even as users scroll through long pages. We implemented web fonts, allowing users to view beautiful Mincho fonts from Morisawa that are not typically displayable. We also introduced a CMS and built a blog system, where users can choose which pages to feature when posting blogs. Utilizing DOE's free photography service, we've incorporated a rich array of images throughout the site.

Delivery date September 10, 2015
Device compatibility [Responsive Design] PC, Tablet, Smartphone Support
Page volume Regular Pages: 7 pages
Forms: 2 forms
Photography Included
CMS Partial Integration
[Anatomy Stretch] Homepage|Mobile View

We adopted a responsive design that changes based on device size. Considering the characteristics of different screen sizes, we fixed the main menu to the side for PC viewing to maximize screen usage, while for smartphone and tablet viewing, the main menu is positioned at the top of the screen.

For This Project

Through direct face-to-face meetings and detailed development of our business content, the conversion rate has significantly improved compared to our previous website made by another company. We also appreciate the quick turnaround on minor revisions.

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