
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

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HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Steel and Thin Plate Processing & Sales] Tsuboi Shoten

Web creation record

Once again, we're pleased that our client has chosen the KOTETSU plan. This plan significantly reduces initial costs while including a standard CMS, allowing for in-house management without additional outsourcing expenses for operation. The plan also includes professional photography services, providing peace of mind!

The plan for this project

Delivery date February 28, 2024
Device compatibility [Responsive Design] Supports PC, Tablet, and Smartphone
Page volume Standard Pages: 11 pages
Form: 1 form
Photography Included
CMS Almost fully implemented
[Tsuboi Shoten / Steel and Thin Plate Processing & Sales Website] Home Page|Mobile View
[Tsuboi Shoten / Steel and Thin Plate Processing & Sales Website] Product Lineup Page|Mobile View

The "KOTETSU" series adopts a responsive design that adapts to all devices, including smartphones and tablets. It offers excellent cost-performance, supports CMS, and provides responsive design as a standard feature! These are the reasons why the "KOTETSU" series is so popular.

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