
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

Past work Past work

HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Real estate information service industry] Housing History Information Association

Web creation record

For this project, we received a request from the Housing History Information Association, an organization in the real estate information service industry.
We've organized the content into clear categories for different user groups, such as "Individual Users," "Business Users," and "Members," making it easy to navigate.

The plan for this project

Delivery date March 29, 2024
Device compatibility [Responsive design] Compatible with PC, tablet, and smartphone
Page volume Regular pages: 42 pages
Photography None
CMS Almost fully implemented
[Housing History Information Association] Homepage|Mobile View

"KOTETSU" is designed to be compatible with a wide range of devices. The page design is thoughtfully crafted to adapt to any screen size. Its diverse design elements automatically adjust their size and positioning according to the screen width, ensuring optimal display across all devices.

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