
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

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HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Funeral Service] Shishikura Ceremony

Web creation record

For this project, we extensively customized the KOTETSU template, which enables the client to perform web updates in-house. Notably, the homepage features multiple areas with unique designs not originally included in the KOTETSU template.

The plan for this project

Delivery date September 27, 2023
Device compatibility [Responsive design] PC, tablet, smartphone compatible
Page volume Regular pages: 33 pages
Photography None
CMS Almost complete implementation
[Shishikura Ceremony / Funeral Service Website] Home Page|Mobile View
[Shishikura Ceremony / Funeral Service Website] Pre-Consultation Page|Mobile View

This functionality automatically displays optimized designs for different device sizes, including smartphones, tablets, and PC monitors. The KOTETSU we're delivering comes equipped with multi-device compatibility as standard, providing a comfortable browsing experience for all users, especially smartphone users.

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