
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

Past work Past work

HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Musician] Furui Riho

Web creation record

This time, we had the pleasure of creating the website for the hugely successful and active Furui Riho. The design was kept simple to avoid interfering with Furui Riho's artistic expression.

We sincerely support her continued success and future endeavors!

Delivery date April 3, 2024
Device compatibility [Responsive Design] PC, Tablet, Smartphone
Page volume Standard Pages: 6 pages
Photography None
CMS Almost fully implemented
[Furui Riho] Homepage|Mobile View
[Furui Riho] Discography Page|Mobile View

Our website adopts a responsive design to ensure easy access from any device. It automatically adjusts to the optimal layout regardless of the browser size, providing a comfortable viewing experience on smartphones and tablets. No matter what device the user is using, we guarantee the best possible experience.

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