
DOE's Website Development Portfolio

Past work Past work

HomeWebsite Development Portfolio[Music Store] Central Gakki

Web creation record

The key concept for this project was "monochrome." While adding accent colors could make the design process easier and broaden the options, this time we focused solely on a monochrome layout. Since we couldn't rely on color, we paid careful attention to spacing and the size of objects to achieve a clean, sophisticated design.

Delivery date December 7, 2018
Device compatibility [Responsive Design] PC, Tablet, Smartphone Support
Page volume Regular pages: 24 pages
Forms: 1
Photography Included
CMS Partially integrated
[Central Gakki] Homepage|Mobile View
[Central Gakki] Product Page|Mobile View
[Central Gakki] CAFE BLOOM Page|Mobile View
[Central Gakki] Store Information Page|Mobile View

The site was created using responsive design, ensuring that the layout adjusts based on the browser width. This approach allows users to view the site without needing to zoom in on smartphones. Additionally, important elements such as "Menu," "Business Hours," "Phone Number," "Contact," and "Access" are fixed at the top and bottom of the screen for easy access, even when scrolling.

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